Spectroscopic data analysis with iSpec

Spectroscopic data analysis with iSpec

Spectroscopic Spring School

7-10 April 2025, Wrocław, Poland


The aim of the Spectroscopic Summer School is to give the participants a thorough introduction into the treatment and analysis of stellar spectra, including deriving the atmospheric parameters and the chemical abundances. The tool which will be used for this purpose is the code iSpec.

iSpec is a tool for the treatment and analysis of stellar spectra. Some of the main functionalities integrated into iSpec are the following:

iSpec is also capable of determining atmospheric parameters (i.e. effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, micro/macroturbulence, rotation) and individual chemical abundances for A, F, G, K, and M stars by using two different approaches: synthetic spectra fitting technique or equivalent widths method. iSpec integrates MARCS and ATLAS9 model atmospheres together with the following radial transfer codes: SPECTRUM (R. O. Gray), Turbospectrum (Bertrand Plez), SME (Valenti, Piskunov), MOOG (Chris Sneden), and Synthe/WIDTH9 (Kurucz/Atmos). The user-friendly interface is perfect for learning and testing. However, to take advantage of the full potential, iSpec can be used from Python. This is the recommended way to use iSpec for complex scientific studies, it ensures reproducibility and gives access to a wider range of functionalities and options.

The participants of the school "Spectroscopic data analysis with iSpec" will be given introductory lectures to iSpec and some hands-on experience with determination of the atmospheric parameters of A, F, G, K, and M type stars. The exercises will be based on publicly available stellar spectra as well as on pre-computed synthetic spectra.

School organizers and sponsors are:

Instytut Astronomiczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego WCSS